Cam Recorder HTML5
Video & Audio Recorder
Open Recorder: Enable webcam/microphone, Start recording and Send to upload.

Recording Booth URL

Record and review video/audio at this recording room address:

Cam/Mic Recorder HTML5 - Plain PHP

This is a simple embedding preview edition, with simple scripts to embed app and showcase few features. This edition implements audio / video recording in an instant recording booth.
+ Official Live Demo: Cam Recorder HTML5 Video Audio - Plain PHP - Live Demo
+ Download: GitHub: Cam Recorder HTML5 Video Audio
+ All HTML5 Feature Demos: Video Call | Live Streaming | Cam/Mic Recorder
+ Compatible hosting for all features including live streaming servers and video tools: WebRTC Host
+ Technical support:
+ Turnkey Cam Site Solution: Turnkey HTML5 Videochat Site - Advanced capabilities (including video conferencing, collaboration, tips, pay per minute, advanced tabbed interface, 2 way videocalls / shows requested from group broadcast), available as WordPress plugin with full php source.
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