Invite URL

Invite the other person (client) with this call room URL:
Answer - Use a different device or browser to answer! Camera works only from 1 tab in same browser.

VideoCall 2 Way - HTML5 Videochat - Standalone PHP

This setup implements a 2 way video call room and text chat. This is a simple embedding preview edition, with simple scripts to embed app and showcase few features.
+ Official Live Demos for 2 Way Videocall / HTML5 Videochat : VideoCall on WowzaSE | P2P Video Call on VideoWhisper WebRTC
+ Download: GitHub: VideoCall HTML5 Videochat PHP
+ All Plain PHP Demos: P2P Video Call | Video Call on Wowza SE | Live Streaming on Wowza SE | Live Streaming on VideoWhisper WebRTC | Cam/Mic Recorder
+ Server GitHub: VideoWhisper WebRTC signaling server (NodeJS, supports using STUN/TURN serverlike CoTURN)
+ For testing, get a Free plan from WebRTC Host: P2P.
+ By default application starts in demo mode, for free testing with low resources by site visitors.
+ Technical support & turnkey site plans: Consult VideoWhisper
+ Turnkey Cam Site Solution as WP plugins: Turnkey HTML5 Videochat Site.
Cleaning up old files ... . . . .